
Little Jeff’s Buddies


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Jeffrey and Yvette Pytlak want to honor the life of their infant son, Jeffrey Michael Pytlak, Jr., fondly known as “Little

Jeff”, by spreading as much happiness to young children as possible. Although time with their son was limited, he filled
their lives with so much love and joy.

The loss of their son and the lifetime of giggles and milestones they would have shared with him has moved them to
keep his memory alive by creating a scholarship fund that provides opportunities for enrichment and fun to children
in their community.

Jeffrey and Yvette are Ansonia residents, and the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley is an organization
close to their hearts. Please join them in ensuring that Little Jeff’s memory and the happiness he brought them lives
on by donating to the “Little Jeff’s Buddies” memorial fund, so they can provide scholarships for membership
to the Boys & Girls Club.

Our caring, enthusiastic Youth Development Professionals provide weekly camp activities that encourage, excite, and inspire young minds. From academic enrichment to challenging and fun physical activities, the Boys & Girls Club summer camp is the place to be for a safe, affordable, and enriching summer.
The cost to send one child to summer camp for a week at the Smilow Clubhouse in Ansonia is $165.00.
The cost to send one child to summer camp for a week at the Lavietes Clubhouse, Shelton is $175.00.

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