Good Character & Citizenship
Developing 21st Century Leaders
These programs help youth become responsible, caring citizens and acquire skills to participate in the democratic process. Program participants also develop leadership skills and gain opportunities for planning, decision-making, contributing to Club and community, and celebrating our national heritage.

Cub Scouts Held in Shelton, Ansonia
Cub Scouting is fun for the whole family. Boys and girls start with their best, right-now selves and grow into their very best future selves. It’s fun, hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today—and for life. The program is open to members from Kindergarten through 3rd grade.

Torch Club Held in Shelton, Ansonia
Torch Clubs are chartered, small-group leadership and service clubs for boys and girls ages 11 to 13. A Torch Club is a powerful vehicle that helps Club staff meet the speial character development needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their life. Members learn about the democratic process by electing officers and work together on numerous activities, including service to their Club, community projects, education, health, and fitness.

Keystone Club Held in Shelton
Keystoning is the Boys & Girls Club’s ultimate teen program for young people ages 14 to 18. This unique program provides teens with leadership development opportunities, both in and out of the Club, in three areas of focus: academic success, career preparation, and community service. Youth participate in activities with the guiance of an adult advisor with the goal of having a positive impact on members, the Club, and the community.
Boys & Girls Clubs of America hosts an annual National Keystone Conference for Club teens that brings together members from all across the nation. Throughout the conference, Keystone members engage and socialize with peers, explore relevant issues , and develop skills to support and enhance efforts in their local Boys & Girls Clubs and communities.

Youth of the Year Held in Shelton
Youth of the Year is Boys & Girls Clubs of Ameria’s premier recognition program for Club members. It is the signature effort to foster a new generation of leaders, fully prepared to live and lead in a diverse, global, and integrated world economy. In the 21st century world and workplace, leadership skills such as communication, goal-setting, and teamwork are essential for everyone—especially young people preparing to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. With a grassroots beginning in 1947, Youth of the Year has evolved into a comprehensive leadership development program, including Youth of the Month.

Youth of the Month Held in Ansonia, Shelton, Elizabeth Shelton School, Booth Hill School, Mohegan School
Youth of the Month is a recognition program that focuses on acknowledging and making Club members aware of their own leadership abilities. This Club-driven experience fosters leadership within the Club over the course of a year. Engaging in various leadership experiences is an important part of the program, the goal of which is to make Club youth aware of leadership abilities they might not think they possess and cultivating them so that they learn what it means to be a leader.