Booth Hill School
The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley operates before and after school programs at Booth Hill School. The program runs from 7 am until the start of school in the morning and from dismissal until 6 pm after school.

Schedule and Information
Before School Hours: 7:00am – start of school day
After School Hours: end of school day – 6:00pm
Staffed by employees of the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley, the Booth Hill program offers homework assistance, sports, gym games, special events, arts & crafts, and fun activities.
We will be open for delayed openings; our delayed opening will match the school’s. We will be open on regularly scheduled half days, but closed when the school building is closed (school vacations, snow days, unscheduled early dismissals, and/or distance learning days).
2024 – 2025 Calendar
August 19 – 23: Staff Training (Club Closed)
August 26 & 27: Club open 8 am – 6 pm for prepaid school year members only
August 28: First day of school
September 2: Labor Day (Club Closed)
September 27: Early Dismissal for Shelton Public Schools
October 11: Rosh Hashana: Club Open 8 am – 6 pm
October 11: Club Open 8 am – 6 pm
October 14: Staff Training (Club Closed)
October 18 & 25: Early Dismissal for Shelton Public Schools
November 5: Election Day: Club Open 8 am – 6 pm
November 22, 26, 27: Early Dismissal for Shelton Public Schools
November 28 & 29: Thanksgiving Break (Club Closed)
December 23 – January 1: Winter break (Club Closed)
January 17: Early Dismissal for Shelton Public Schools
January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Club Closed)
February 13: Early Dismissal for Shelton Public Schools
February 14 & 17: Club Open 8 am – 6 pm
March 7, 14, 21, 28: Early Dismissal for Shelton Public Schools
April 14 – 18: April Break: Club open 8 am – 6 pm
May 12: Early Dismissal for Shelton Public Schools
May 26: Memorial Day (Club Closed)
June 4, 5, 6, 9: Early Dismissal for Shelton Public Schools
June 9: Tentative Last Day for Shelton Public Schools
Morning Program: $190 per month
Afterschool Program: $190 per month
Combination Rate: $340 per month
*Monthy Payments to be paid online by the 20th of the month to avoid a $30 late fee*
Technology Policy
Discrimination Policy
Authorization for the Administration of Medicine Form
Scholarship Application
Join Our Mailing List
Enrollment Process
If you need your child to start on the first day of school, registration and payment are due by August 14, 2024. If payment is received after August 14, your child will begin 3 business days after we receive payment.
Required for registration:
- Completed online membership application
- Online payment in full for first month
- Completed Authorization to Administer Medicine form for any child who requires an epi-pen or inhaler
- If your child will be attending the Clubhouse at 1 Positive Place in Shelton in the afternoon, you must submit a separate, one-time registration under our Shelton Clubhouse page (click here).
If you would like your child to ride the bus to our Club in the afternoon, type YES on the Membership Application for bus service AND write a letter to your child’s school stating your child has permission to ride the bus to our Club in the afternoon for the school year. If you do not do both of these, your child will not be bussed to our Clubhouse in the afternoon.
If you want to confirm your child’s registration, call our Membership Desk at (203) 924-9329.