Academic Success & The Arts
Developing Globally Competitive Graduates
These programs are designed to ensure that all Club members graduate from high school on time, ready for a post-secondary education and a 21st-century career. All of these programs are included free with membership, unless otherwise noted.

Power Hour: Making Minutes Count • Held in Shelton, Ansonia
This program for Club members in kindergarten through high school provides Club professionals with the strategies, activities, and resources to guide members in becoming sel f-directed learners. Designed specifically to help kids and teens with homework, this program is available after school Monday-Thursday. Dedicated youth development professionals and volunteers supervise each session and hep members complete their assignments for the day. When they finish their work, they may choose to participate in a variety of other engaging and educational activities to develop their skills even further. Power Hour is a great opportunity for kids and teens to get their homework completed in a quiet place with support from trained, caring staff. Permission slips are required before joining.

STEM Mentoring Held in Shelton
The overall goal of STEM Mentoring is to positively impact the social development and academic achievement of youth ages 6-10. STEM Mentoring consists of fun, hands-on activities, group projects, and multimedia connections that engage mentors and mentees in variety of STEM topics, with a particular focus on conversation. Through weekly group mentoring sessions and additional STEM enrichment activities, youth are exposed to inspiring scientists, engineers, and conservationists, who represent a variety of careers and education pathways. By providing consistent, high-quality, STEM-focused mentoring experiences, STEM Mentoring encourages a reduction in high-risk behaviors, improvement of academic success indicators, and an overall increase in knowledge of and interest in STEM topics and careers for participating youth. Participation is free, and Club members are invited to join in the Fall.

My.Future (Minecraft Club) Held in Ansonia
My.Future provides members with a safe, fun digital platform to showcase their work and earn recognition in the form of badges. It’s a space where kids can interact with each other—free from the prospect of cyberbullying—and share their accomplishments locally and nationally. It’s a great way to experience digital programming, make friends, and build a positive self-image through online achievement.

Team LEGO Held in Ansonia
This program for 3rd – 6th graders focuses on developing members’ skills in leadership, teamwork, and communication through the use of different LEGO projects. After each team has completed the project, the group discusses the different types of positive and negative actions that took place. Many of the members realize the power of their actions and try to implement the positive actions int heir daily lives.

MOVIA Held in Shelton, Ansonia
Rookie (in Shelton) and Chip (in Ansonia) are our new Movia Robotics Robot-Assisted Instruction (RAI) Systems, which improve attention, literacy skills, life skills, reading comprehension, reciprocal communication, and social skills. The systems come with built-in curriculums containing more than 200 lessons in several subjects, as well as the ability to create and customize programs that meet the individual needs of our members. In short, these systems allow us the ability to provide children with the emotional, physical, and life skills needed to flourish.

Movie Makers Held in Shelton
This new program for 5th – 8th graders is held bi-weekly and aims to help members feel more confident in their artistic skills. Videndum Production Solutions, a local manufacturer of film/TV production equipment, has partnered with our Boys & Girls Club to give members a chance to learn the basics of filmmaking and, by the end of the program, have a project they can be proud of and share with their family and friends. Participants will gain a strong working knowledge of how to create a short movie, focusing on the art of documentary filmmaking. At the end of the program, a special screening will allow the kids to show off their project.

GaelHawks Robotics Held in Shelton
Students in Shelton High School’s GaelHawks Robotics Club meet monthly with our 3rd and 4th graders and our 5th and 6th graders, presenting the world of robotics and sharing their experiences as an award-winning robotics team.