After a long day or an early morning, entering a place brimming with laughter, learning, and joy is truly uplifting. At the Boys & Girls Club of Lower Naugatuck Valley, friendships not only blossom but also deepen. Familiar faces offer a sense of comfort, and the activities foster a supportive community.
Under the guidance of mentors, the children here grow and develop. When they eventually leave to start their own families, they will carry these values with them.
I don’t feel uncertain or alien when I enter the Boys & Girls Club. Instead, I feel a sense of belonging and recognition.
I know there’s always someone I can turn to, and that I am a reliable support for others as well.
I am assured that here, I will be treated like family and always be safe.
The acceptance and values nurtured here will remain with an individual throughout their life.
This is only a small glimpse into my life at the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley. There aren’t enough words to describe how loved and accepted I am here.
Q & A with Akina:
Q: In what ways do you feel like you make a difference in the community at the Club?
A: By participating in programs such as Keystone, I’ve gained a better understanding of what community really means and ways to be a part of it. Hosting our Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon at the Senior Center is one of my favorite events because it allowed me to learn the importance of intergenerational interactions and the difference we can make!
Q: How has the Club made a difference in your life?
A: I feel like the Club has changed my life for the better. I have really been pushed out of my comfort zone and am now more social and outgoing. There are so many opportunities here, no matter what your interests are, and being able to witness that has made me appreciate the Club even more. Knowing that the staff recognize my strengths and build on them gives me courage to try new things.
Q: How do you believe your experience at the Club will benefit you in the future?
A: Being able to work in groups and take on leadership roles through programs like Torch Club and now Keystone have given me an understanding of different perspectives and the importance of working as a team. I’ve also learned to be more open minded to different ideas and this creates a great trust within my Club family. These skills will help me in the future because I will feel prepared and confident when faced with a new situation or challenge.
Want to learn more about membership and programming at Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley? Check out our Membership Page and Programs Page.